Hasło Wygasło
PassCombo mission
PassCombo goal is to make life with passwords easier and safer, and to give alternative to traditional password managers.
What PassCombo has in common with traditional password managers is that you need to remember only 1 password only, the other passwords you can easly recover.
What is different - in traditional password managers your passwords are encrypted and stored permanently on your local machine + sometimes synchronized online with other devices. If all passwords are in the same place and application error occures or encryption fails - they could be hacked all at the same time. And as we know - errors happens from time to time.
This is not the case with PassCombo - because your passwords are not stored anywhere permanently.
PassCombo dogma are:
Do not store passwords permanently anywhere
Allow to easly access passwords on many devices
Do not send any information on Internet (no automatic online synchronization)
Enable easy password change/update
To achieve that - one traditional assumptions must be thrown out - ability to save your passwords permanently with the app.
Which means - you need to generate new passwords for your accounts.
This requires user initial effort - to replace (optimally all) passwords with those generated with PassCombo.
In case of PassCombo author it took 1h to change 27 passwords for 27 accounts in different systems.
Thanks to this - I do not need to worry any more if someone will steall my passwords, whether they will be all lost or during synchronization online they will leak somewhere due to application failure.
Total control over my passwords is in my hands only due to 1 password I remember and application algorithm that is easly available and can be copied to your local devices and be used offline.
The master password you need to remember is called here SuperPIN. Learn it well, as you use this application on your own responsibility and if you forget it - it's your own problem. Do you need this application? Yes if: You care about security of your accounts and passwords. You would like to use password manager, but you do not trust traditional password managers and closed code. Remembering all your passwords is not easy for you. You need a new passwords from time to time. You need a safe password, that matches requirements for your website or system. How it works? PassCombo is actually a smart password generator. Smart enough to serve as a password manager. So what it does in reality - it generates different passwords for different systems and users. But password is each time the same, as long as you enter the same system name, user name, SuperPIN (+ obviously you use same password generation settings as last time). Complicated? Usually you know to which system you want to log in. Usually you also remember your user name. SuperPIN is the last password you need to remember - and you use the same SuperPIN to generate all your passwords. To simplify the rest PassCombo implements some user friendly options, which are totally in user control. For example you can have history logs on - they will remember everything except SuperPIN - to help you recover how you typed system or user name or some settings. If history is on - PassCombo will also detect possible errors (difference how you typed sth comparing to last time). Additionally you can allow to store encrypted SuperPIN if you like. This will support you when you type SuperPIN wrong way while generating password. Note - security relies a lot on your SuperPIN - it should be selected wisely. New features in this version Previous generator algorithm adjustments. Was required to add new user friendly features. If you've used PassCombo before 1st of May 2017 - you need to use previous app to reach your passwords. New generators tabs In the first generator tab you can create 14 character password, consisting of 6 syllables + 1 digit + 1 special sign. It satisfies minimum conditions of most systems + is easy to spell and write and still safe enough for average users. Second tab generates random password 14 character length, satisfying minimum conditions of 1 character each type: upper/lower case, special sign, number. Not easy to spell or write, but very strong. 3rd tab - custom generator. New option added - syllables. If selecting syllables - password length = number of syllables. Here you can also exclude numbers and special signs. Faster settings loading from history. If you enable history logs - after you generate few passwords, you will be able to load previous system/usernam/tab/settings faster. A table with loading option above generator tabs will appear with your recent presets. It can also help avoid errors - because loading recent settings you are sure you have it exactly as the last time - avoiding typo's. Ability to store encrypted SuperPIN. It's turned on by default - you may turn it off if you preffer. The reason to have it is simply to notify user if he typed SuperPIN different way then the last time. This type of mistake could lead to some problems, so this is the solution. SuperPIN is encrypted 2 times (sha256 + PassCombo). For secure password generation the not encrypted version is used. Ability to copy history logs between applications. This is very usefull if you use the app on many devices. PassCombo does not do any sync online - you need to take care of it if you need it. Just copy-paste entry from one history to the other text area and click save. It will be appended - meaning nothing will be deleted, only new records will be added. Correct format is required. Easy keyboard navigation in the form. [Shift]+[arrow right]= next field, [Shift]+[arrow left]=previous field Notifying about possible errors. If history logs and/or encrypted SuperPIN storage are on - you will be notified each time you have typed sth differently then the last time. This could be possible typo - error. For example if you type SuperPIN different way then the last time - you will be notified to ensure if you do it for purpose (must have encrypted SuperPIN enabled) Same story with using different user name or different settings per user name/system - you will be notified (only if history logs are on)
Generator haseł
Jak wygenerować silne hasło
Jak wygenerować bardzo silne hasło
Hasło - wybór opcji, wykluczanie znaków, zestaw znaków
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